With a high six-figure salary and a trust fund, your new boyfriend probably has more money than he knows what to do with. But as your new love interests will tell you: money isn’t everything. To avoid stressing out about how much your new man makes instead of loving him for who he is, here are some helpful tips for dating a guy with tons of money.
Be upfront about finances
Before you start dating a guy with tons of money, be honest about your financial situation. This will prevent any confusion or awkwardness down the road. Talking about money too early can make you feel insecure or unappreciated, so open up with your partner instead. If you’re worried about being judged, there are plenty of financial resources (like Reddit’s Finances101 ) that can teach you to be more confident with your money.
Try not to bring up finances
When you meet your new boyfriend’s family, you may have to talk about their wealth. For the first few dates, try to avoid bringing up money in front of your partner’s parents. This could be awkward and make you both feel uncomfortable.
If your partner brings up their family’s wealth, listen to their own words, not what you hear. While you don’t want to be rude, you also don’t want to make your partner feel like they can’t invite you over or treat you to dinner because of their family’s wealth.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help
When you’re in a financially strapped situation, you might feel like you don’t have the right to ask for help. But if you do have an extra bill or two coming up, don’t be afraid to ask your boyfriend to help you out. While it’s totally normal to feel awkward if your partner is financially wealthier than you, keep in mind that he probably wants to help you out too. And if you want to help him out too: that’s okay.
Get a prenup before tying the knot
If your boyfriend has tons of money, consider getting a prenup before you get married. While it might be difficult to talk about money before you’re in a serious relationship, getting a prenup before you get married will set the tone for how your relationship will handle finances. If it becomes too awkward to talk about money when you’re married, you can always get a divorce and start fresh with someone who doesn’t have tons of money.
Don’t be ashamed of your job or career choice
If your boyfriend is dating you because of your income, it’s okay to feel a little ashamed. One way to not feel ashamed is to remain open-minded and be supportive of your partner’s career. Instead of judging your partner’s career choice, try to see what’s positive, like how their income helps you financially. Your partner might also be open to meeting your friends and family who have different careers to help you feel more supported.

Keep friendships strong
When you’re dating a guy with tons of money, try to keep your friendships strong. If your friends are wealthy too, this can help you feel less like you’re dating an entirely different social group. It’s also good to keep in mind that when you and your new boyfriend live together, you’ll want to interact with his friends more often.
Don’t Be Too Materialistic
When a guy is interested in you because of your brain and personality, he will be interested in you for more than just your bank account. But if you start talking about expensive gifts and fancy restaurants, he might start thinking that you only want him for his money. He might feel disgusted and wronged.
You don’t have to stay away from materialistic topics in your conversations, but make sure they don’t take over the entire conversation. Talk about your hobbies, interests, and passions. Let him know about books, movies, and music that you’re into. That will make him feel more interested in getting to know you better.
Don’t Be Too Hard On Your Own Shoes
Let’s face it, guys don’t want to hear that you are struggling to meet your bills and that you are in a constant state of debt. He might feel like you are only interested in him because he can bring you what you want. He might start feeling like he doesn’t deserve your affection.
So, if your guy friend happens to be rich, don’t make it seem like you are only trying to impress him. Let him know that you don’t have any grandiose ideas of him being some kind of savior. You are just trying to get by. If he seems interested in your story, he might be concerned for you. He might even offer to lend you some money or help you out with some bills.

Show You Care About His Comfort
One of the things that most rich guys will tell you is that as soon as you start talking about dating them, money will be the last thing on their minds. However, it is important to let him know that you are interested in him for more than just his bank account.
One way to do this is to make him feel comfortable. Make him feel like you are his best friend and that you don’t see him as some sort of boss. This will make him feel less like he has to put in extra effort to impress you.
Respect His Privacy
Guys with money are generally proud of it. They are used to people calling them “boss” “mister” and “sir” and they might expect you to make similar allowances. But before you meet him, make sure that you know how he wants to be addressed.
Ask him what he wants to be called and use him as the reference point. If he is okay with you calling him “buddy” and “dude”, then do that. But if he insists on using his real name, then respect his privacy and don’t make it seem like you are only interested in him for his money.
Don’t Allow Him To Constantly Compare You To Others
Guys with tons of money are not used to dating normal girls. They are used to dating women that are exponentially more beautiful and intelligent than they are. So, when they start dating a normal girl, they might feel insecure.
They might constantly ask themselves if they are good enough for you and if they are doing a good job of showing you that they are worthy of your affection. As much as you want to make him feel like he is the best man in the world, don’t allow him to compare you to others. He might start comparing you to his ex-girlfriends or ex-wives and that might get him down.

Dating a guy with tons of money can be exciting and rewarding. However, it is important that you learn some lessons before dating him so that you can truly enjoy your time with him. Once you have them down, you will have no trouble getting him to fall for you.
The best way to avoid stressing out about the money you two might earn together is to stay grounded in who you are, what you value, and what you want in a relationship. If you do this, you’ll be able to meet your partner’s family and friends and still feel like you’re part of your boyfriend’s life. You don’t need to change who you are for someone who has tons of money; you just need to remember to love yourself first!