Long-distance relationships can be challenging. They require a lot of patience, trust and trust again. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you know the pain and struggle that can come with it. You might not see your love for many months or even years at a time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy.
To get through this, it’s important to have support from friends and family around you and support from your other half as well. Remember, they’re the one who likely understands what you both are going through more than anyone else. Keep reading to learn more about how to navigate long-distance relationships successfully!
Don’t take it Personally
Long-distance relationships can sometimes feel like a negative thing like something is wrong with you. This isn’t true! Long-distance relationships can be challenging because both partners are in different places, with different schedules and different expectations. So, if you take it personally, you’ll be much harder on yourself and much less likely to keep trying. Take a step back and realize that you’re likely, not alone in this situation.
Be Persistent
Long-distance relationships take effort and persistence. You have to make time in your schedule to talk and plan with your partner. You have to be willing to say no to other opportunities and commitments so you can spend time together. This can be tough for students, especially. While it may seem easy to skip classes, get a poor grade, or skip studying for finals so you can spend time with your partner, that’s not a smart idea.
If you have bad grades, your university will probably have a bad attitude towards you, too. And if you’re in an academic program, your grade has a big impact on your future.
Communicate Frequently
Long-distance relationships require a lot of communication. You have to be willing to talk and send emails and texts often. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you definitely have to communicate frequently with your partner. You might feel awkward talking on the phone or using Skype, but don’t let that stop you. Instead, make it a routine part of your communication, just like you would if you were in the same place.
Set Expectations Up-Front
Long-distance relationships require a lot of clear communication about expectations. You have to be up-front and clear about what you want from your relationship and from your partner. How do you feel about seeing each other? What’s the best way for you to communicate? How often should you talk? What about family and friends? If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you need to set expectations up-front. This will save you a lot of frustration and conflict later on.
Plan Dates and Times Together
If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you might have to schedule dates with your partner. This might be something you and your partner do regularly, or it might be something you do because you have to. In either case, scheduling dates with your partner will help you feel closer.
Planning dates with your partner will help you feel closer. Scheduling dates with your partner will help you feel closer. Schedule a date every few weeks, or every two weeks. This will remind you how close you are and help you feel closer.
Talk to your Partner
It might be tough to open up and be vulnerable with someone you don’t see regularly, but you’ll find it gets easier with time. Talking to your partner will let you confide in them, make sure they’re doing OK, and help you understand each other better. If you feel like you don’t have a good way to communicate with your partner while you’re both far apart, try writing an email, sending a quick text, or scheduling a time to talk face-to-face. You can also use tools like Skype or Google Hangouts to stay in touch.
Be Honest with Yourself and Each Other
It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and in each other, but it’s important to remember that distance is a huge part of your relationship. As frustrating as it can be, it can also help you really understand your partner and themselves better. This doesn’t mean you should be judging or chastising each other for anything, but being honest about your feelings and how you’re feeling is important to moving forward.
Set up Daily Routines Together
Part of communicating with each other is setting up daily routines. This can be simple things like having a morning routine or having a night routine before bed together. Mornings are a great time to check each other’s social media or text them if they’re feeling lonely.
At night, you can use this time to talk about the day or check in with your partner, see if they need anything, or if they’re feeling lonely. Having a routine can help you stay in touch with each other, keep your relationship fresh, and remind both of you what you have while you’re apart.
Don’t take anything Personally
You don’t know what goes on in your partner’s mind, and they don’t know what goes on in yours. Even though you might feel like there’s a problem or a change, it might not be about you. While you’re apart, try to not get caught up in what others are saying about you or your relationship. Remember, you don’t know the full story and everyone has their own opinion. Instead, try to remember that you’re in a Long-Distance Relationship, with a different set of people, and that it’s OK to be in a new place.
Go on Date Nights Together
Dates are important, and they’re especially important while you’re in a long-distance relationship. When you have time to plan out dates and spend time together, it can help you feel closer and have a better understanding of each other. Even if it’s just you and your partner grabbing dinner and spending time together, it can help you forget about the internet, your phone, and the real world. It can help you forget about Long-Distance Relationships and focus on each other.
Take long, Relaxing Walks Together
Walking is a great way to connect with each other and with yourself, and it’s a great activity to do when you’re both in the same place. When you’re both in the same place, you can walk around the city, go on a hike, or find a park or trail where you can walk together. It doesn’t matter if you walk slow or fast when you’re long-distance, or if you walk in a straight line or wander. It just matters that you’re walking and connecting with your partner.
Navigating Long-Distance Relationships is hard. You miss your significant other, and it can be frustrating. You don’t have the same connection as someone who lives near you and can’t go out with each other, go on dates, or see each other whenever they want. And it can be hard to be in a relationship while being so far away from your partner. There are ways to make it through though.
Be honest with your partner and yourself. Set up daily routines together and don’t take anything personally. Go on date nights and take long, relaxing walks together. And remember, your relationship is worth it.