Your dating life is probably going at full speed. You’ve managed to land a few dates and are excited about getting more serious with someone. You want to make sure you’re not rushing things and that you’re taking the right steps to take things to the next level.
But how do you know if it’s time to push forward? Well, if you don’t know by now…just stop asking girls out. Just kidding, we wish it were that easy. But unfortunately for you, many factors can affect your decision-making process when it comes to whether or not someone is “the one.”
These factors range from the strength of your connection with them to your past experiences with them, their family, friends… and so on. And while they may seem irrelevant on the surface, they can have a serious impact on your ability to move forward in life once you break up. Thankfully, applying as many common sense strategies as possible can help minimize these risks if you choose to go down that path.
Don’t Rush Things
You’ve finally found the girl who you’re really into. Everything is going great between you guys and now you’re thinking about asking her out on a date. While you’re excited, you need to keep in mind that dating should not be rushed. Otherwise, you’re more likely to make mistakes that could end your budding romance. Why is rushing things so important? Because relationships are not a race.
They’re something that takes time to develop and grow. Dating is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. And it’s exactly that marathon that you need to pace yourself to avoid any unnecessary mistakes. The best way to avoid rushing things is to take your time. Don’t feel as if you need to ask her out on a date right away. Give yourself some breathing room. Trust us, it’ll make a difference.
Have healthy boundaries
It’s easy to get so caught up in someone that you forget about the impact that dating them is having on your life. Before you decide to go “all in” and ask someone out on a date, make sure you’re mindful of the fact that you’re not just dating them, but also their family, friends, co-workers, and so on.
This is something that should never be ignored. Not to mention, if this person is someone who you see yourself being with for a long period, it’s important to remember that you don’t want to end up causing problems for their loved ones too. If you’re seeing someone who has a serious impact on your life, you need to make sure that they have healthy boundaries too.
Someone who is too clingy or too needy could easily take advantage of someone who is too eager to be with them. And if you’re too eager, you need to make sure that the person you’re dating is someone who can put up healthy boundaries as well.
Don’t just ask for a date; make an effort to get to know them better.
If you’re someone who is looking to move things forward with someone, you need to remember that you’re not just dating them, you’re also dating their friends and family too. This is something that you should never forget.
And while it might seem like a small thing, it’s an important step to help ensure that your date is someone you want to be associated with for the long term. The best way to make sure that this is the case is to make an effort to get to know them better before inviting them on a date.
Make sure you’re on the same page before getting too serious.
There’s no better way to guarantee a messy breakup than by jumping into things too quickly. And the truth is, there’s usually a spectrum between jumping in and jumping in too early. You just need to find the line and stay on it. The only way to do this is by being proactive.
If you’re someone who is someone who likes to do things quickly and on the fly, this may be a challenge for you. But if you’re someone who likes to plan things, you may find that you have an easier time navigating this process. There’s nothing wrong with planning things.
It’s something that is generally associated with positive outcomes. The key is to be proactive while planning things. The best way to do this is to make sure that the things that you’re planning have something that you can use to shape your decisions.
Be selective with who you trust.
Being selective with who you trust is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your relationship is a healthy one. Because trust is a key factor in every relationship. We all want to feel safe and secure in the people that we are in a relationship with.
And the only way to do this is by being selective with who you place your trust. And there are two ways to be selective when it comes to trusting people: you can either trust a few people or you can trust no one. The first way is a bit more romantic and the second is more realistic. And while no rule says you have to pick one or the other, it’s important to keep in mind which one you’re going to pick when it comes to choosing who you trust.
Recognize red flags in your behaviour before they become roadblocks.
Relationships are hard work, and you need to be prepared for this when you are dating someone. To stay on track, you need to be mindful of the following:
- If you’re someone who is constantly making bad decisions, this could be a sign that you’re rushing things and jumping into them too quickly. You need to take a step back, assess what’s going on, and make sure that you’re being deliberate with your decision-making.
- If you’re someone who is a “backstabber” or someone who is constantly trying to undermine your partner, you need to make sure that you’re not doing the same thing. You need to make sure that you’re building someone up and that you’re not undermining them in the process.
- If you’re constantly jealous or insecure, you need to make sure that you’re not doing these things in front of your partner. Because if they see them, they will know that your intentions are not good.
Bottom line
There are so many factors that can go into your decision-making process when it comes to whether you should push forward with someone. And while they might seem insignificant on the surface, they can have a serious impact on your ability to move forward in life once you break up. Luckily, applying common sense strategies can help minimize these risks if you choose to go down that path.