Someone once said that everyone has their version of love, and not everyone will be able to understand or accept it. If you have a partner who is also someone close to you, then they might feel the same way. Even if they don’t fully understand them, they love them no matter what.
When your partner is a toxic person, then this can cause serious damage to your relationship – both emotional and physical. They will try and bring others down to make themselves look better. They are likely to blame other people for their problems so they can’t see the solution.
You always fight
In the relationship, there will be arguments – that is a given. But when you fight day in and day out, you are setting yourself up for serious trouble. Fighting is never the right solution to any problem. You are both passionate people, so if you can’t find a way to communicate your feelings respectfully and sensibly, then there is a chance that you will end up in a full-blown war.
They criticize everything you do
When someone is constantly finding fault with you, then they are not accepting of you as a person. This is a sure way to get yourself down and create a negative self-image. You are who you are because of your experiences and the people around you – it’s not something you have to be perfect at all times.
If your partner is constantly criticizing small things you do, then this might be a big red flag that they are toxic. If it’s more serious, it might be that they have a problem with a certain part of you and it’s showing in their words.

There’s no trust in the relationship
Trust is a very important part of a relationship. When there is mistrust, it can be very hard to find ways to build it back up. You need to be able to trust your partner if they are going to be able to support you and help you reach your goals. When there is no trust, then it is nearly impossible to have a healthy relationship.
Trust is built over time and with effort. If you notice that there is no trust, then you need to talk to your partner and let them know how you feel. Be honest and let them know what is happening so they can try to change their ways.
They play games constantly
Toxic people will try and make you feel insecure by doing a lot of other things. They might be calling you constantly, sending you random text messages, and doing things to confuse you. They might be trying to make you question your relationship and make you wonder if you are really happy in it.
If you are constantly wondering if they are really happy with you, with themselves, or with the relationship, then it might be a sign that they are playing games. Sometimes it might be that they are trying to make you feel insecure to get a reaction from you so they can have an excuse to do something.
They are very moody and unstable
A toxic person is likely to be emotional and moody. They will go from extremely happy to extremely sad. They will also be extremely sensitive to something that you say or do.
There is a chance that they are bipolar or have some other mental illness that causes this. When you notice that your partner changes moods quickly, then be careful. The same person might look at you one second and then the next second be completely different. They might be trying to hide something from you.

They have no boundaries and don’t respect yours
A toxic person does not have any boundaries at all. They might ask you to do things that you find completely ridiculous. They might constantly call you to check on you or make sure you are OK.
But this should be a sign to you that they have too much control over you. If they don’t respect your boundaries, then they should be a big red flag. If they do respect them, there is a good chance that they are toxic.
They make negative comments about your body or appearance
Some toxic people might say things to you that are very demeaning or negative about your appearance. Maybe they say that you are too skinny, or not pretty enough to be with them.
Maybe they say that you need to work out more or lose weight. If your partner does this, then it is a big red flag. It is trying to control you. They are trying to get you to think about something else other than how you are feeling. They might be trying to hide something from you.
When you are with someone, you have to be careful to watch for signs that they are toxic. If you notice that, then you can try and change the situation before it gets worse. It is never easy to find a partner, and it can be even harder when you have different views on love and relationships.
You can make it easier if you try to watch the signs. Some people are just bad news and aren’t worth the time or effort. It can be difficult to figure out which ones they are, so you need to be careful.