There aren’t many things we as humans dread more than the prospect of dating. Dating can be a scary, isolating experience and it is not uncommon to feel anxious or even downright terrified when you start to think about the possibility of being out there and meeting new people.
You don’t know where you want to go in life yet.
It is a pretty valid concern if you haven’t got any idea of where you are heading in the near future. If you don’t know what it is you want out of life yet, then it makes dating a lot trickier because you don’t know who is compatible with you. If you are dating someone and you know that one day you are going to end it and move on with your life, then why be with them?
You should only be with someone if you know that you are going to be there for them if they are there for you too. It is a relationship for life. So, figure out what it is you want out of life now, so when you start dating you will have a better idea of what you want out of life and make decisions based on that.
You are too picky.
We are all picky in our own ways. But, if you are dating someone and they are only a little bit less picky than you then they might as well be a different species. If you aren’t willing to compromise with your partner on certain things, then there is a very real chance that you won’t ever be happy in a relationship.
Dating is a chance to pick out a partner who has some of the same likes and dislikes that you do, not someone who thinks everything you like is weird and wrong. So, if you want to find someone who will be compatible with you, then you need to make an effort to pick people who are compatible with you.
You have bad body confidence.
Body confidence is so important in relationships. It is a big part of how you are perceived by others. If you don’t feel confident in your own body, it can be really hard to let people into that confidence too. If you aren’t dating someone who makes you feel comfortable in your own skin, you will never be able to open up and let others get close enough to you to love you for who you are.
It is important to remember that your body is a beautiful thing and that it deserves to be respected. Sometimes we only feel comfortable with the way we look when we are in a relationship, but it can be hard to keep that up when we are out on our own. If you want someone to love and respect you, you need to respect yourself.
Your cat is allergic to your boyfriend/girlfriend.
This one always makes me laugh. It is generally a sign of a relationship that is already going wrong or has gone wrong. If your cat is allergic to your boyfriend/girlfriend, then maybe that is a sign that you or they are not right for each other.
Cat allergies can be really dangerous and even life-threatening so, if that is the case, you should stop dating them as soon as possible and move on to someone else. But, if it is a cat allergy that is specific to your partner, then maybe you should keep dating them, but keep your boyfriend/girlfriend around.
Your circle of friends is too small.
It is a really common dating mistake to make. Dating someone who is too close to you. This can be a problem if your friends are different to those your significant other is in touch with. Dating someone who is too close to your friends might force you to keep hanging out with them, even if you have nothing in common with them.
If you are dating someone who only has a few friends that you already know, then there is a good chance you will keep seeing them, or dating them. If you want someone in your life but you don’t want to date them, then dating someone who has friends in common with your friends is a bad idea.
You are still a virgin.
If you are dating someone and you are still a virgin, that is a bad sign. Dating is about learning about each other and, if you are still a virgin, there is a chance you are not getting to know your partner well enough. If you aren’t getting to know your partner well enough, then there is a very real chance that you won’t ever be satisfied in the relationship.
Finding someone you are compatible with is the best way to keep a relationship going and avoid those arguments, fights, and break-ups.
You are involved in an abusive relationship.
This is another one that can end a relationship before it even gets started. It is important to remember that everyone has boundaries and everyone needs space. If your partner has been abusive towards you, or if they have been abusive towards others, then that is a red flag.
Dating someone who has been abusive has a really high chance of leading to an abusive relationship, where one partner abuses the other. If you aren’t happy with your current partner but you think they are good person, then you need to try and work out why.
You are not very good at communicating with people.
Dating someone who isn’t very good at communicating with you is a really bad sign. It is important to know what you want and what you don’t want in a partner. If you aren’t dating someone who understands this, then it is a sign that you will have a lot of arguments in the relationship.
Dating can be a scary and isolating experience, but if you’re ready to dive in, you’ll find that there are plenty of people out there who are dying to get to know you. There are just a few things you should keep an eye out for to make sure you don’t end up with someone who isn’t right for you.